Caribbean External Quality Assurance Program in Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Resistance (PCC-CAR)
Dear Colleagues of the «Caribbean External Quality Assurance Program in Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Resistance»(PCC-CAR): With great joy we want to share with you very good news! On August 24, 2022, Law 27680, «LAW OF PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE», was sanctioned, which is of public order and governs throughout the national territory. Attached you will find the document and a link to access a video of the Ministry of Health about the sanction of Law 27680. Best regards and we will keep in touch!.
Alejandra Corso and Paula Gagetti.
Servicio Antimicrobianos
Regional Reference Laboratory on Antimicrobial Resistance (RRL)
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas
ANLIS «Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán».
Secretaria de Salud y Desarrollo Social
Av. Velez Sarsfield 563 (1281)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54 11 43032812